Thursday, June 26, 2008

What the hell!?

I forgot about this thing...

...and I saw a comment from someone I've never actually met or gone to school with, which leads me to believe that I should actually continue writing here in my spare time.

Of course, I'll probably have to use some viral advertising or something to inform people that I've actually started writing here again (Yes, writing. I will not lower myself to the level of using the word 'blogging'. I will also make sure my affairs are in order before I ever legitimately use the term 'blogosphere', because all that will be left for me after I use it will of course be the cold, dark embrace of death).

Wow, someone's feeling a bit emo today, eh? Am I allowed to refer to things that appeared in parentheses in previous sentences? Or do they count as asides, and not a part of the actual idea?

This is my writing page thing, so I can do as I damn-well please!

Also, a bunch of stuff has happened since I last wrote.

I should probably get back to work, though.



Friday, April 28, 2006

This sillyness was never run by me!

Oh no.

Someone is getting an angry letter.

I was searching this site for my "blog", and I came across something that bothers me to my core.

Apparently, "Dyko" is a term. It is a slang term, but a term nonetheless.

I grabbed this off UrbanDictionary.Com:

Apparently, "Dyko" is a term. It is a slang term, but a term nonetheless.

I found this on


1 thumb up

A psycho lesbian, often associated with extreme drama or off-kilter behavior.
"That girl you were dating was a total dyko. I can't believe she called you 34 times last night."

This will not stand, man.

I call schennanigans!

I am neither a lesbian nor a psycho.

Don't get me wrong; I am mad as a spoon, but I've got some pesky chromosome garbage going on that pretty much ensure that I am excluded from being able to be a lesbian.

The definition on the site was submitten by someone named "Jenn" from Brooklyn, though, so it can probably be taken with a pinch of something salty*. I mean, for one, she's got an extra "n" stuck onto her name. She might as well have gone the extra step and started calling herself "Jennif".

People these days.


Also, she's from Brooklyn, and I don't think I need to say anything more there, know what I'm saying**??

Anyways, just some minor outrage. I will be writing a strongly-worded letter the owner of that site about his deflamatory dictionary page.

I'm sure you will all soon be reading about the fall of Jennif.

Back to...umm...not adding any more to this post.


* Please to forgive, as I am new to country
** Seriously, do you? Any help would be appreciated!

Who are you, and what have you done with my couch?

Alright, listen up, Turkeys*!

I know that I said** that I’d stray away from stuff that is too real-lifey, like work, but this is so surreal that it had to be broached as a blog subject, because as we know sometimes, a subject just need to be broached. That is honestly the first and only two times I have ever used the word broached. Three now, but who’s counting? Shut up.

Anyways, as I was saying (no more interruptions, people***), my day was rather lackluster today. Lots of boredom, lots of reading about London on

Basically, an awesome day.

I decided to go for lunch. Tasty stuff. Yum.

While I was away, I recieved not three, but two voicemails from some woman. The first voicemail explained, quite thoroughly that she was looking to sign out**** a few episodes of the Sunday Night Sex Show. The second one was pretty much her rambling about how she wasn’t sure if I got the first voicemail or not, followed by her repeating, word-for-word, the entire first message. Also, I was not impressed with her tone. We’re off to a bad start.

I called the number she left, and got her voicemail.

I can see where this is going.

I left her an equally detailed message, explaining what she’d need to do to sign these tapes out. At least, I think I left a detailed message…I tend to zone out when my give-a-damn meter gets lower than ¾.

Eventually, she called back, and started with the small-talk.

Here’s the thing: I don’t much care for people. Like don’t get me wrong, I’m not some awkward little weirdo (shut up) who write in his blog every time he sees a dead bird on the lawn and hates society. I’m just a busy guy (did you know in parts of London, they call their version of white trash “Scallies” or “Chavs”?), and when I am at work, I don’t really have time to talk to people about things other than where a tape is, and the many reasons as to why it is not my fault that it is there and not here.

Back to the small-talk: she jibba-jabbered at me for a while, asking me how to pronounce my last name, what nationality I was, etc. Apparently, the astute observation that Ukrainians are known for their awesome eggs was needed, as was the follow up that I am known for my awesome eggs. I’d say that was some sort of pseudo-sexual innuendo, but we’re dealing with a fruitbat here. One of those ones with like a 2-ft wingspan.

Those bats kick ass. I once did a project in highschool on bats…the teacher failed me because I wrote it so well that he assumed I plagiarized. Also, I never put up the bat house that I built which was supposed to make up the 25% practical part of the mark.

Stop changing the subject.

She continued talking, and eventually she bumped her head in just the right way to remember why she was wasting my precious time*****.

We talked some more, and then she decided she would come by in an hour and a half to pick up the tapes. She asked about direction on how to get here. I’m like “you know where Post is?” and she’s like “No, I mean you guys are on Jefferson?”.


I asked her what she needed the tapes for, and she said “personal use”.

The following is an approximate re-telling of the conversation from that point on, colour-coded for your enjoyment:

“Are you a Corus

“I don’t think so, what’s a
Corus Employee?”

“Oh. Can you
explain again what exactly a Corus Employee is?”
*Explains again. Slower.*
“Oh. How do I become a Corus Employee?”
“You need to get a job at Corus Entertainment.”
“How do I do that?”
*Bangs head
into stapler*

“Well, can I just come and view
them there?”

“No…blah…internal clients

“Oh, are you sure?
Nothing would happen to them!”

“I am

“What about if I got in contact with the W
show I was supposed to be on? Would that count as being a Corus

*Explains again, this time to
broken stapler, which manages to grasp the concept*
(People have been
standing around waiting for 15 minutes…I contemplate hanging up, then moving to
different workstation incase she called back)
“Alright, what I can do is check the W Network website *frantically clicking on the site to find anything of use* …ah, what
you would need to do is call Viewer relations, and they will be able to help
“Will they be able to help
“(probably not…) Definitely! Good
talking to you!”


I seriously haven’t the foggiest what happened there. Alls I knows is that there are a number of minutes of my life that will not be refunded to me at any point soon.

I hope that I never talk to her again. Oh, yeah, and also that Viewer Relations was able to assist one of our beloved viewers.

Man…that’s what you get for watching W, I guess.



P.S. No idea what the title has to do with anything. Wait, maybe I do...maybe it is you who is un-informed******! Mwahaha!

* Been a while since I’ve unleashed that old chestnut, I assume!
** Maybe? I don’t know…who the hell do you think I am? That’s it. I’m angry now. Close
this window.
*** I update so seldomly that I know consider whatever deep probing program it is that puts ads in my comments section a reader.
**** I’ve explained before (see “**”) hat I work in a media library. That sounds ridiculous…a media library as opposed to, what, a concept library? What else would a library have aside from media? Stop interrupting. This library is at a certain entertainment company…why am I explaining this? Scroll back up and continue…
***** Currently trading at like $3.24 an hour
****** It's not

Monday, November 28, 2005

Urgent report!

I may or may not have accidentally swallowed a stapler on Friday afternoon.

If this turns out to have happened, then I more-than-likely swallowed a pen as well.

I will keep you all (none of you read this anymore, admit it...wait...) posted.

Dyko "something funny" Surname

Statling Developments!

NOTE: I actually wrote this on October 31st, but just never got around to posting it. That's right, my time is just so damn important that I don't even have time to copy and paste something. Some cocky sum-on-a-bitch, eh? Jason Crisp.

This just in:

While killing time (or trying to, anyways) at work, I checked out my junk mail box in hotmail. Much to my surprise, due most likely to a MAJOR oversight by the fine people at Microsoft (they will be getting a letter), a piece of mail which could be described as anything but junk had ended up in my e-dustbin!

Surely you have all heard of the solicitor and investment advisor Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.?

What do you mean, “WTF?!”? Are you telling me you have not in fact heard of him, and that that he is a fictitious creation, meant to somehow scam the naïve and impressionable out of money and/or credit information? Well, sirs and madams, I have a question for you: when was the last time someone that didn’t exist offered you a chance at millions of euros (I assume those are some sort of currency or at least a type of small rodent…I don’t read*)?

I thought so, bitches.

Anyways without further adieauoie(sometimes Y), I give you the first of what I can only imagine will be dozens of communiqués between myself and brave sir Williams (his first name is pluralized…beat that, ING Direct!). I have, of course, left out information regarding Mr. Esq’s email, as he contacted me in confidence, and I would never betray that bond that we share.

From: Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.

The inspiration to contact
you is simply divineprovidence,I am making this proposition because I have to
seek thepartnership of a resource person to help me realise this

I am Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq a solicitor and
investmentconsultant based in london, United Kindom. I was attending a
businessluncheon in Berlin,Germany and I got introduced to the renowned
Germanbusinessman and property mogul, Mr Andreas Schranner(of the
He engaged my services as attorney and
investmentconsultant and my primary assignment was to spearhead his
investmentforays in the United Kingdom.three months later I invited him to
Londonand under my professional guidance and based on my advice he made afixed
deposit of 30,000,000,00EUR at with security companies inGermany and
This deposit was for 12months and upon maturity Imade
effort to contact my client, I could not reach him or any memberof his family. I
was forced to travel to germany and there I got thetragic news that on July
25TH, 2000, my client Mr Andreas Schranner,his wife maria, their daughter Eich
and husband christian and their twochildren perished in the Air France concorde
New York bound flight;please click

have made effort to locate any member of his familywith strong biological links
to my late client withoutsuccess.
The search to find a close relation is one
that has consumed time
and resources. The institution is asking me to
either present a next
of kin to late Andreas Schranner or forfiet the
depsosit. My proposal
is to you as next of kin to late Andreas Schranner and
process the
deposit and collect the deposits for our mutual

My capacity as solicitor/investment consultant to mylate
client gives me the discretion to package and transfer the depositto

I will give you 30% for your effort, 60% for me and10% for
Charity and Tsunami Victims. It will amount toinjustice if i do not take this
decisive step to secure this deposit,and invest it The late Schranner was also a
friend in addition to ourbusiness relationship.
I will wait for your
reaction and response and thentogether we can jumpstart this project and nurture
it to reality.

Please, make sure you respond through this my
confidential emailaddress:
Your swift response is

Yours faithfully

Williams Joeffrey Ruphus

I think I am going to cry.

Poor little Eich. She had so much to live for, and boom…a well publicized and easily-linkable disaster took her little German life. The world has become slightly less brutal and organized.

Anyways, I am just writing to let you know, in advance, that soon I will be corresponding from my very own personal solid-gold yacht (or at least from under a pile of small rodents, if my second guess was more accurate), and that you mustn’t let jealousy get the best of you. Not everyone is lucky enough to have best friends as clever, faithful, or English as Williams.

Sucks about the poor grammar and formatting, but this is a stressed man we are dealing with; it is not every day that whatever happened here happens, people.

Anyways, I’m off to start spending money.

Best to you and all of yours!


*Yes, Dyko is in fact unable to read. To update his blog, he simply forms rudimentary sentences which he dictates to a typer-monkey. That is what he calls his oldest son. (I hate you, dad)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Of Dykos and Sublet-ees

I, Dyko, being of sound body and mind wish to declare my utmost agreement with and support of the opinions reflected in the recent post by Sublet-ee (henceforth referred to as The Post). The Post (henceforth referred to as Posting 3388C in accordance with legistlation put through this Tuesday October 11) contains high levels of hilarity peppered with just the right amount of un-bridled rage, and thus results in my highest rating yet: 1.5 standing otters!*

On an un-un-related note, what you (James) gathered from Posting 3388C is in fact true; Dyko is employed! Full time! With pay!

Taking a page (might I be so bold as to say taking a webpage from Sublet-ee?**), I will not disclose any details to avoid internet stalker/rapists (James, I’m looking in your direction), but suffice it to say that I work at a place where I get to do all kinds of interesting things like find tapes, retrieve tapes, and sometimes even find and retrieve tapes while putting entirely different tapes away. It's pretty much like how you'd picture being a movie star is, except everything is a lot more** tape-oriented.

Also, I have a desk.

--Crikey! I'm at work right now, and two people just told me that they are mine to give work to for the rest of the day, so I need to start coming up with crap to have them do!

Umm, later or something!

(aka. Sublet-er)

*Much in the same way that studios design a toy first and then put a children’s show together based on said toy, I saw that picture of the otters and came up with a way to incorporate them into my post. This is behind-the-scenes stuff here, folks.


NOTE: It seems as though a major part of this post was just kind of an idea I stole directly from Posting 3388C. I felt like a jack-ass, but was too lazy to remove it, and instead decided to spend 5 minutes explaining myself. 45 minutes later, I felt bad, so I went back and changed it all. I guess there's no point in explaining this, as by changing it, it is like what I wrote before never existed. I don't even know what I'm doing people. Drugs. This is what not doing drugs does to a young mind.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Ultimate Resignation Letter...

... From the Sublet-ee, written in a fit of rage by myself, the Sublet-ee, thank you. P.S. - I removed revealing information... fear of serial killers, see first post by the Sublet-ee.
On to the letter...

To whom it may concern:

A huge Fuck You, to you good-for-nothing asshole bastards who think that after YOUR shithead company laid off my [insert relative] after [insert # of years] years of pouring his/her life into making [insert bastard company] a “[insert asshole company's stupid motto]", I will actually remained employed by this worthless junk of a wannabe company. Loyalty my ass. [Insert company name], being the only thing that put my food on my table while I grew up, actually did nothing for me but make me fat. So fuck you. I’ve had a great, fantastic, wonderful time running around, doing the managers’ jobs for them, working overtime and placing [insert company name] as my NUMBER ONE priority, but enough’s enough. Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, hard, up your money-grubbing, piece of shit, corporate ass.

(If you’re too stupid to get it, this is my resignation, effective as soon as I finish smashing your face in. Thanks.)

Rot in hell, Sincerely,

[Insert your name and signature]

P.S – I quit.

NOTE: The opinions reflected in this posting may/may not reflect the views of the owner of this said Blog, Dyko, but they'd better or the author of this said post, the Sublet-ee, may have to kick his happily, and (at the moment) employed, ass. Thank you.

K, bye!

The Sublet-ee

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Chicken and Banananas and Whiskey in the Jar-o

Sublet-ee here.


How does bananas, chicken and Metallica mix? In musical song, of course! Never fear, I am here (I've never said that, well I have, but I think by saying I haven't, I may be starting to sound like Dyko...) A-HEM! I am here, anyway, to educate the ignorant in the Metallica-influenced banana-eat-chicken world. SING WITH ME PEOPLE! (I guarantee you know the tune!!) Think outside the boxes and learn some new lyrics. Yea, thanks.

Chickie-chickie bo-bickie banana-fanna foe-fickie be-by-bo-bickie ... CHICKIE!
Chickie-chickie bo-bickie banana-fanna foe-fickie be-by-bo-bickie ... CHICKIE!


Chickie-chickie bo bickie... SING-SO-NANA-SQUASHED BANANA... hee hee he-hee hee hee heeee-heeeeeee...... ME? Ha-ha, I like schleeeeping, 'specially in my little bed-ee! But here I am in prison... la la la-la... Ball and Chain ya!

Yep, experimental drugs should be only taken in mass quantities.

K, bye!

The Sublet-ee

Welcome back the Sublet-ee


I am brilliant.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Let's get a round of applause, people!

Sublet-er, here!

I think that went famously! This is definitely going to be something that happens more often. If anything, Miss Sublet-ee might just force me to have to post more often!

A bit of competition never hurt anyone, eh? Well, except for like every sport and most other types of competition...

Anyways, I am being yelled at by *someone* to hurry up and post this so that she can read this before bed, so, umm, here I go!

Dyko (aka "The Sublet-er")

Welcome the Sublet-ee

Hello. I am here.

This is my very first blog. The very first one I have ever written. (I bet all you readers have read that line before!)

I can hear your thoughts... creepy... you are thinking Who is this??? Where's Dyko??? HUH?!?!? Here goes.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

My name is of no importance, since I fear many things, and I am definitely afraid of serial killers. So I am not sharing with the Blog World who I am. From now on, you may all address me as...

The Sublet-ee.

Thank you.

A bit-little about me... I like hockey, cats, and dot-dot-dots...
A bit-little about why I am here on this "blogspot" sharing my thoughts...

(Sit down, it's storytime with Miss Sublet-ee.)

... I had my heart broken. He's a jerk, of course. I snooped around in his e-mail after I assured him that I definitely forgotten his password and discovered something shockingly horrible...


Well, then, I must be on dating sites too.

This one site (no site names, no plugs on MY blog!) directed me to this guy. So I added him to the all-powerful, world-controlling communication network known as MSN Messenger and began the ritual.

ASL? (God I love that) How are you? Where did you go to school? Where do you work? Can I call you? What are you doing tonight? How do I get to your house? Let me rape you now and slowly torture you to death later. Okay.

So it didn't work out well... obviously. Forget MSN-ing a date, let's blog-it. I decided to re-assert myself as a very unpredictable human being and "rent" space on some blog-thingy. Hence, sublet-ee.

Now, what is a Dyko? Ha, more like who the hell (can I say hell? apparently I can!) would want to be connected in any way, shape or form with a Dyko? Interesting.

So... this Dyko character. I can't say anything bad about Dyko because Dyko is my Sublet-er. Then there would be trouble, Dyko would probably kill me, and there would be no more blogs.

I think I like blogs.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself to the readership of this blog, (hello James) and attempt to kill some time by trying out the newest craze... typing in blue!

My assessment: It's fun.

K, bye!

The Sublet-ee